Thursday, July 28, 2016

The 3 A.M. Hour

Holy cow, it's 3 a.m.! I'm wide awake and very bored. So, here I am just passing time. I really want to go and sit in front of the TV and watch endless hours of the ID Channel, while snacking of course....well, in my case it would be a full meal.

Gosh, I love food! From me making that brief comment about snacking and TV watching, my mind is racing with all kinds of great dishes and treats to make.

I truly want a big Kale salad right now! A Kale salad smothered with big juicy tomato slices, sweet carrot shavings, lightly sautéed zucchini slices in oil, cooked with a hint of fresh garlic.

Oh my God! That salad is calling my name right now, but I must show a little bit of restraint and forgo my culinary dash into the kitchen in the middle of the night.

Instead of thinking about building a delicious work of art of a salad, maybe I should be planning my fall garden. I mean it is late July here in Atlanta and I haven't even gotten those fall seeds out yet and I don't even know if I need to purchase more seeds or not.

I guess that'll be something that I can work on later today.

Well, I'm going to head on out of here and work on some other stuff and then eventually make my salad to start my day!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


Monday, July 25, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Like a big mountain, a small garden stimulates, restores, and delights us, just as it poses challenges, promotes mastery, provides exercise and relieves monotony."

                                                                     --The Power of Place,

                                                                                 Winfred Gallagher

Friday, July 22, 2016

Forty Days of Heat

I don't know if the Atlanta area has broken any records with these temperatures we're having-- over 40 days with temperatures in the mid to upper 90's, but I know for sure that my tomatoes aren't very productive because of this heat. I have flowers, but no fruit, but I'm thankful that my plants are strong and healthy.

Is anyone else experiencing high temperatures and low yields, I might add, we're also experiencing a drought too, anyone going through that too?

Happy Gardening and Always Keep Growing!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Good Friends,Stop By

Captured a picture of a couple of bees,enjoying this flower on one of my pumpkin plants.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tasty Tuesday: Beautiful Basil

After being away from the garden because of some much needed rain, I'm clipping some basil.

Got to keep this stuff clipped down, so it doesn't start to flower. Believe me, I don't mind the endless clipping, either!

The other day, I couldn't figure out, how I wanted to use the basil I harvested. Do I want to make a big batch of pesto? Will I use fresh basil as a topping for pizza or use some fresh for the sauce?

I've got it....I'm drying some basil!! I'm drying because my usual stash in the pantry, is nonexistent.

Seriously, there's nothing like having a large stash of dried basil or pesto to season your palate, and ease your budget during the fall and winter months. Let's face it, basil is a bit pricey after the summer has passed, so harvesting and putting away is a tremendous help.

Well, I'm off....I've got some drying and storing to do.

But before you leave, checkout some of my basil plants.