Finally made the time to check in and write on the blog. I've been away because I started a part-time job that I can do from home a few months ago and after going through training and trying to adjust to my new schedule, and creating a design for a t-shirt, which I hope to start selling real soon. I just haven't made time for writing lately, now that I've been working this job as a telemarketer, I seriously realize how much I love being my own boss and being able to create my own hours, don't get me wrong, the job can be very fun and interesting. However, it can also be very boring when you can't get anyone to talk to you. I guess that wouldn't be a problem if I was still getting paid to not talk to anyone, but I'm only paid if I get donations from people, so it actually pays to talk to people and get a donation. Well, look at me, I'm about to go off into a full sermon about my telemarketing experience and this post isn't about that, but about me trying to get back into the flow of blogging/writing and trying to keep my hobbies and interest on and offline going and not lose myself to this new job.
Even as I'm writing this short little post, I feel so happy and carefree.....can you imagine how I would feel if I was toiling around in the soil right now. Well, I would be very dirty and muddy because it's raining right now, but I would be so content....and don't give me a good book or documentary to top my day off with some really good food of course....that would be just fantastic!
I'm proud of myself for making myself blog, it truly sparked my creative juices and lifted me spiritually, if that makes sense....I wasn't depressed or anything, just started feeling like a poor factory worker of old, punching the dreaded time clock and giving so much of my time and energy to a place that I barely have time to enjoy me, and the things I love......and I've always been someone that knew how to take time for herself and do little things for self, and I'm not going to be any different now.
See you guys soon, I'll be updating a bit more and expand with some other ideas for the blog as well.