Found some great finds at my local Dollar Tree. This wasn't originally a trip for gardening supplies, but I
couldn't resist the Welcome Spring section and the great prices.
Here's a list of a few things I picked up:
Three planters, a pkg of 10 plant labels, two spools of twist ties with cutter, a pkg of 36 clothespins, 8 piece permanent markers set, 3 small seed starting mix bags,and 8 seed packets.
Not including tax, got everything for $15.
Giddy about everything I purchased, but my real excitement is for the seed flower packets!
In a previous post, I shared how I wanted to grow a small cut flower garden to provide fresh flowers in my home. I bought seeds of some past greats in my former garden, like, marigolds and cosmos, however, I found some Shasta Daisies and Zinnia seeds that'll hopefully grow into a gorgeous abundant flower garden and provide nice bouquets throughout my home, all summer long.
#agreenhaven, #gardening #dollartree, #cutflowers