Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Storm

Saturday morning storms rolled through my area, and the days after I wondered if any plants were lost in the storm.

Friday my 7 year old nephew dug holes for me, while I planted 11 tomato seedlings into the earth. I really wanted to get the other 27 plants planted, but felt after the weekend rain would be a better time to plant, however, I didn't expect heavy storms. I knew it was going to rain, but wasn't expecting severe weather, so I didn't move smaller potted plants indoors or under shelter.

Earlier in the month, the complete opposite happened---I removed all small plants before the "storm" and, lol--"the storm" was a day of scattered light showers. My baby plants could have would stood that.

With my fingers crossed and my mind on good thoughts, I must survey the damage.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Quote of the Week

"A garden is not a place. It's a journey."

-Monty Don

*picture by Leigh Patrick from Pexels

#agreenhaven #gardenquotes 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Totally Tomatoes

Lost two trays of tomato seedlings last month and I'm surprised to have 38 beefsteak tomatoes. Wished I had a bit more variety for this year, but what's done is done and there's always next year. Next stop for these little beauties---the garden!

Sorry for the low quality picture and always remember to keep growing.

#agreenhaven #tomatoes #growfood #organicgardener

Monday, April 19, 2021

Quote of the Week

Into every garden a little a little rain must fall.
                         -Ella Fitzgerald 

#agreenhaven #gardenquotes #rain
#fleurrustique #EllaFitzgerald #EvaElijas

Friday, April 16, 2021

First of the Season: Watermelon Seedling

Look what I found---The first watermelon sprout of the season.
Also the first time I've planted watermelon seeds this early. I usually like to wait until May to plant watermelon seeds, however, I decided to give April a chance, and if it didn't workout, I always knew May would workout.

Even though I'm a zone 7 gardener, my area is still prone to a few days of frost in April after a week of hot days, and this April was one of those times.

When I planted the seeds, temperatures were warm and three days later we got rain and extremely cold weather. The frost actually damaged my hydrangeas, a little, and my thoughts immediately went to the watermelon seeds tucked snuggly in the earth--waiting for its grand appearance.

Would the frost kill the seeds or will the frost come and go quickly and the seeds will be spared?

Looks like one seed has made it through the cooler temperatures, now will the others pop through?

#agreenhaven #growfood

Monday, April 12, 2021

Quote of the Week

There can be no life without soil and no soil without life;they have evolved together.

-Charles E. Kellogg

#agreenhaven #gardenquotes #Charles E. Kellogg

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Spring Break Sowings: Corn and Sunflowers

Finally planted sunflower and corn seeds in the ground, yesterday. Compared to last year, I'm late getting them in the ground, however, I'm not late getting them planted, though.

This year the corn has been planted in blocks of five instead of a single row. Last year's harvest was nice, and grew pretty well. In fact, the corn was a real head turner and conversational piece with the neighbors---it was grown in the front yard.

My 7 year old nephew's excitement to dig holes and pull weeds made planting a lot easier on me, but honestly it was fun seeing him having a ball!

As he dug holes while my daughter supervised him, I made a small trench behind the corn to be filled in with mammoth sunflower seeds. I always thickly fill in the sunflower seeds for a greater chance of germination. Next step is to lightly cover the seeds with soil, water and wait for their gorgeous emergence!

Monday, April 5, 2021

Quote of the Week

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.

                  -W.E. Johns 
