Not an actual photo in my area, just wanted to post a winter wonderland photo.
So, no quote for the week once again, I'm working four tens once again this week, and its been mentally draining for me. So, on Friday I did some last minute grocery shopping, in the brutal cold; I hope everyone was able to stay safe and warm over the weekend. Went over to my sister's house to finish up cooking three pans of lasagna, on Saturday afternoon, my oven went out me, so I was able to use hers. Even though, I had a three day weekend, I really didn't feel like I had one. Sunday was my only full day to relax and do nothing, after a week of completing four tens and an array of technical problems during my training class, and a Monday morning training session that only gave our class one five minute break between 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 12:30 p.m., it became so hard to focus on the training at hand.
I'm already getting the vibe that this work at home position might be challenging for me, but the pay is pretty decent, even though, I'm starting to question that and the real flexibility of the job.
At this point, I'm paying down credit card and medical bills while putting away some savings and investing, too. My focus is paying off those debts and working hard to become an Independent Insurance agent. This is the first time I let you guys know what I'm doing. You know what, I'm also going to share the company, I work for, but I won't share the company that I'll be contracting for.
I, work for Ttec, and right now it seems like it can be hit or miss. Some people love it and others despise it. I'm somewhere in the middle, but leaning to the latter a bit.
I'm gonna have to cut this writing short, because it's a little after 7 a.m. and I need to get ready for work, bit I just wanted to highlight the beauty of winter with the picture above, from Pexel....oh no, I forgot to get the photographer's name....I'll try to go back and update later, but yeah, have a great week everyone and pray for my sanity for this week. But always believe, I'm going to keep swimming!
#winter wonderland #ttec #insurance agent, #life #keep swimming #getting through #pexels #training