Saturday, February 27, 2016


For me yellow is sunshine. Yellow is happiness. Yellow is beauty. Yellow is joy and today, I experienced all of those things in these flowers in my garden.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Big Waste: Why Do We Throw Away So Much Food?

This is a Tasty Tuesday edition. Many of my Tasty Tuesday writings are recipe related, but hunger and food waste are big issues in this country and it really upsets me to see how much food is wasted in this country.

I hope this small film has given you a glimpse into the ways people are making a difference in our society, and maybe you'll act too.  I'm a lot more motivated to take part in any gleaning I can find in and around the Atlanta area.

What did you think of the film? What stood out to you the most? What are some ways you can cut waste in your household?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of imagination."

                                                                   ~Mrs. C.W. Earle,

                                                                                           Pot-Pourri from a Surrey Garden, 1897

When I found this quote over at , it really spoke to how I feel about gardening.  I get a lot of satisfaction from taking care of and harvesting from my garden, but there's also a wonderful feeling around the creative process and imagination plays a big part in the creative process.

Every winter I meticulously go through all of my seed catalogs, gardening books/magazines and Youtube garden channels that I'm subscribed to, to get my gardening desires flowing. Who knows maybe I'll find a great tip or maybe I'll find a wonderful craft idea to borrow, but one thing I know for sure is--my creativity for the garden seems to come to life and I'm filled with ideas of what to plant and where to plant for the year.

Is your imagination taking off yet or is it still dormant until Spring? Are you planning to grow anything different this year? I'm not much of a planter of flowers, I love growing herbs and vegetables, but my hope is to bring more flowers into my yard and garden this year.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Yay Gardening Season Kickoff

Whenever these little cuties pop up in my yard, this is my signal to start preparing for the gardening season here in Atlanta. This is the time of year, where I pick up my tattered seed catalogs and do one more quick review of what seeds I'll be ordering, and exacting my seed and gardening budget.
January is the start of a New Year, but February is the start of a new gardening year for me. I can't wait to start growing tomato, eggplant, and pepper seedlings once again all throughout the house(sorry to my family),watching them grow on  windowsills, shelves, and in the kitchen.
Can't wait to experience the sights and smells of plant growth in my home once again. Can't wait to see that first seedling emerge from its little cocoon and hopefully take off with tremendous growth, as I also expect to do as well.
Do you have any signals for the gardening season? What are they and how does the new season make you feel?