Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Thinning

Late Tuesday evening I finally took the time to thin out/ space out these Shin Kuroda carrots----the tops look nice, don't they?
Yeah, they look nice and healthy, and are coming in very well;however, if I want nice root development, I'll need to space out the seedlings, some. This job can be very time consuming, but so worth it in the long run.
The picture above is what I started with and these are the the seedlings that I took out, and many of them
were re-planted to other parts of the garden because their roots were long and intact. I only discarded five seedlings with broken or weak looking roots. I could have easily put these five seedlings into a salad, but honestly, after hours of thinning and re-planting, I didn't feel up to making a salad(I usually make large salads, too)...I just wanted something quick, so I opted for the vegetable soup that I made earlier in the day.

After thinning, this is how the
container looks, now. Still a little closeness, but still room to grow and develop. It's recommended that thinning should be 1 - 3" apart, and I think I'm good.

Here's an area in my garden where the other seedlings were planted.
Since carrots are companions to brussel sprouts and tomatoes, the seedlings will have a new home around both companions. Sorry, I didn't take a picture of the tomatoes, but you get the idea. The seedlings will be planted around the brussel sprouts and tomatoes to help aid each other from any pests.

Here's the picture of the carrots nestled in between the brussel sprouts.

Now they have some space, and I carry so much pride and satisfaction, that I didn't destroy too many roots along the way.

Happy Gardening 😊

#agreenhaven, # thinning, #carrots,

Monday, April 27, 2020

Quote of the Week

It takes so little to make me happy: An hour of planting cucumbers, squash, tomato is an hour-filled with gold.  
                                                                -                             ---Alice Walker,
               from "Rich," 'Hard Times Require Furious Dancing,' 2010


Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Hodgepodge of Temperatures

The corn is coming along pretty well.This Blue Hopi corn was planted in my front yard in late March and with the cool spring temperatures and the occasional rain showers with a hint of summer day temps...a hodgepodge of temps for some nice growth for the corn.

#agreenhaven, #growfood

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Bringing the Pollinators

Added a little pop of color around the mailbox. Yellow is my favorite color and I love looking out my bedroom window seeing the marigolds, and since it's been more than two weeks since I planted them, I've seen some growth and more blossoms, and I can't forget...the butterflies!
The marigolds were bought at Ace Hardware, and I also put some seeds out to bring some more pollinators to my yard. I actually have a seed packet called the pollinator blend, and it consists of Echinacea, Cosmos, Tickweed, Blazing Star, Scarlet Sage, and Black-Eyed Susan. This will be my first time trying to grow all of these flowers, except Cosmos.
Cosmos are tall and very colorful and don't require a lot of upkeep--perfect for a gardener like me. I love simplicity, lots of color, and bringing pollinators to my yard.

Peace and Love :)


Monday, April 20, 2020

Quote of the Week

We think that diamonds are very important, gold is very important, all these minerals are very important. We call them precious minerals, but they are all forms of the soil. But that part of thus mineral that is on top, like it is skin of the earth, that is the most precious of the commons.

                             -Wangari Maathai
                               Dirt! The Movie,

#agreenhaven, #growfood 
#DirtTheMovie, #WangariMaathai

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Y'all Hanging in There

Been away a bit working tiredlessy in my garden: weeding, digging, planting and sowing, so my post have been very sporadic and then to add on the pandemic life changing issues, it's a wonder that I even get a few hours in my garden. How are you guys holding up with our new normal and have you found yourself doing more or less gardening?

#agreenhaven, #gardeningmoreorless