Saturday, June 27, 2020

Corn Is Coming In

Corn and zucchini plants are coming along, even have a few
ears--eight to be precise.

Here's another angle from my yard. As you can tell some of the corn is a lot shorter than others, that's because some corn became stunted and died off early on and my daughter and I had to plant more.

We also had to tie one of the stalks up with a grocery bag around a stick for some extra support---we've been experiencing some very windy and wet weather, lately. Hopefully, staking those particular plants for a bit can eventually make them stronger and no more staking will be needed.

The corn is a real headturner;my children and I have noticed several cars slow down to look or point at the corn. Now, people could be geniuely happy to the corn in the yard, and I'm sure there might be some that don't think corn should be out front like that---but guess what....I don't care...I feel it's neatly placed and besides, I can't grow it in my partially shaded backyard, as well as the front. 

Until next time my gardening friends....keep growing and happy gardening!

#corn, #growfood, #organicgardener, #agreenhaven 

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