Sunday, August 25, 2024

I Got a Channel, Now

Been busy with life, gardening and self care. Missing time on this blog hurt me at first since I wanted to keep the blog and YouTube channel updated consistently, but something had to give--and the blog lost. 

The blog lost because I've never truly built an active community here, and even though blogging is super fun, I found YouTube amazing. I no longer spent hours or days in the garden only to wait a day or two to write a post about the greens I'm planting, weather difficulties or the simple joy of playing in the dirt, now I can take you guys with me and we can go on walks together, pull weeds together, plant and harvest all on lives or just watching my shorts or videos. 

You're probably wondering why all the hype for something that's been around over a decade--well, I've been a user pretty much since YouTube's inception, but becoming a content creator is much newer to me. 

I love creating these badly filmed videos, for others and seeing my growth along the way. Sharing my passion for organic gardening and growing food, along with finding an active community is a huge plus. 

I still plan to share my thoughts, dreams, and goals over here from time to time. In the meantime, if you'd like to visit subscribe channel greenatlmom, stop by and say hi and if you really enjoy it, subscribe.



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hello, Everyone!

Wow, it's been sometime since I've been over here. So much of my time has been spent in the garden and on my YouTube channel building the community over there. I'm also helping to build my daughter's Facebook business page, which is so hard to breakthrough, but I'm here for it. Growing a business requires a lot of time and energy where many days a little money is made, and a few days, no money comes your way, but you keep going because you know there are many extremely good days than, not.

I have so much more exciting things to share with you guys, but they'll have to wait until another time, I'm gonna head outside to get some footage for my YouTube channel.  I just wanted to leave my mark since nothing has been said on this page recently. Thanks for stopping by and supporting me!

Monday, April 29, 2024


I cleared some weeds, well lots of weeds, planted some tomato starts, as well as planted cucumber, sunflower and eggplant seeds. Eggplants will come really late in the garden this year because the ones I started in the house didn't make it through their time indoors. They were looking so good, too, but I did have a few times where I forgot to give them their second watering. The eggplants were planted in a cardboard egg carton and plants dry out very quickly in that type of environment, and then add on the fact that Spring weather has home temperatures fluctuating so much, along with a plant parent becoming busy with other things, a loss was bound to happen. This year I loss 18 black beauty eggplants, now I'm hoping I can at least get two plants for the season. 

Quote of the Week

Keep Growing!

      -- me and many other people

Friday, April 26, 2024


I turned the compost and smell that delightful earthy smell with a hint of onion in one bin. What did you do today in your garden?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Today I Did

Finally got some Echinacea seeds planted behind the mailbox today. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Today was a Good Day

Don't have any pictures, but Today was a very productive day. The grass in the front yard was cut, did a little trimming of overgrown branches and bushes. Hope to get more done tomorrow or later in the week, but we'll see. Also took time to get more planters setup. Today, I planted some lilly seeds that were given to me and the anticipation is already getting to me, I also planted pepperoncini, basil and daisy seeds. I'm excited for them as well, but whenever I grow something new my excitement and anticipation is above a ten, as always I keep my fingers crossed for nice growth and a fantastic gardening season!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Quote of the Week

"If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility in their hands, like a garden."

                                -Amanda Moss

Monday, April 1, 2024

Welcome, April!

Hello friends! Welcome to a new month and more adventures in gardening! Don't forget to come and grow with me at greenatlmom .

Monday, March 18, 2024

Quote of the Week

The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or atleast not try to defy them.

                                             ---Paul Hawken

Monday, February 19, 2024

Quote of the Week

"When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden."

                                                 -Minnie Aumonier

Monday, February 12, 2024

A Season of Abundance

Good rainy morning from Georgia! Hope all is well with everyone and to anyone that watched the big game last night, great game, right! I was rooting for the 49ers, they came up short---big Congratulations to Kansas City! Great game guys! 

Honestly, I don't have anything to really post about, it's raining here in Atlanta and tax season is here, so I won't be spending my whole day cleaning my house(if you saw my quote of the week post, you get what I'm saying), I'll be gathering all my tax documents so I can get taxes out the way and get the focus back on brand building and growing an abundant garden and to keep growing an abundant mindset, as well. 

Take care guys and keep growing!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Garden Quote

God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. 


Monday, January 29, 2024

The Excitement For a Few Sheets of Paper

I literally I recently recorded  a YouTube video with a topic of using reusable/recyclables in gardening and how it carries your garden budget a long way. I spent time explaining each item I shared and how I use them. In the video, I spoke about how I used to make these newspaper cups early in my gardening adventures. Newspaper cups for me, a  new gardener, provided an abundant amount of  seed starting cups for a new and very enthusiastic gardener to take on a new hobby and eventually gained a useful skill.

The cups were practical and environmentally friendly and that's all I needed to fall in love. All I had to do was plant a seed in the cup with some good seed starting mix, water, good/enough light and wait for the growth, and when the plant were ready to live in the garden, there was no need to remove the plants from their home, just place the cups in the garden and allow them to biodegrade into the soil.  

It was win-win for my budget and the soil. 

Using these cups as a growing method for years, I never thought they would be out of my repertoire, but they did. As newspaper prices rose, my purchases of them slowly declined which ultimately turned into no more purchases, I went strictly digital.

Clearing out the tons of paper, I collected over the past year, I found these couple of pages from a local paper in my area(I honestly don't know where this came from) and my first thought was-I'm gonna make a couple of newspaper cups.

If you enjoyed my piece and would like to follow my garden adventures on my YouTube channel, click the link below. Thank you 😊