Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Black Seeded Lettuce

Black seeded lettuce was planted outside on the day of March 4, 2025, its the first lettuce to be put outside and the first group of lettuce to be grown with the blueberries, again, since they did so well together last year. 

My daughter,  Kennedy would like to transplant the lettuce to our backyard as they grow, and I think that could be a great idea, however,  we have to stay on top of things. Our weekends are pretty full with spring markets and getting ready for our first ever out of town market----that's right, we're traveling for the first time ever, so yeah, we have to stay on top of all of our plans.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Oh Sunday

Yesterday was Sunday and it was an amazing day! Yesterday, I felt well rested and productive and this can be hard to feel after a market day. Market days can take so much out of a person, and for me, the following days after a market are usually must needed rest days. A great rest day for me is a day spent watching TV  and stuffing my face all from the comfort of my bed. 
Yesterday was a semi day of some of the latter, but some in the garden as well. I don't know if my urge to garden after a market day had something to do with trying to keep a better garden schedule, or more so, I felt energized. Honestly, the weather was great, my energy level was amazing and I took advantage of the two, to get stuff done!  


Thursday, February 27, 2025


Guess what....I dropped my other phone and severely cracked the screen, and I just  downloaded the Blogger app again. Honestly I didn't realize Blogger wasn't on this new phone until this very morning when I wanted to upload a photo and talk about expanding my garden. Yup, I can't believe I forgot all about my day one, oh life goes on. Stay tuned for all garden adventures coming up.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

I Got a Channel, Now

Been busy with life, gardening and self care. Missing time on this blog hurt me at first since I wanted to keep the blog and YouTube channel updated consistently, but something had to give--and the blog lost. 

The blog lost because I've never truly built an active community here, and even though blogging is super fun, I found YouTube amazing. I no longer spent hours or days in the garden only to wait a day or two to write a post about the greens I'm planting, weather difficulties or the simple joy of playing in the dirt, now I can take you guys with me and we can go on walks together, pull weeds together, plant and harvest all on lives or just watching my shorts or videos. 

You're probably wondering why all the hype for something that's been around over a decade--well, I've been a user pretty much since YouTube's inception, but becoming a content creator is much newer to me. 

I love creating these badly filmed videos, for others and seeing my growth along the way. Sharing my passion for organic gardening and growing food, along with finding an active community is a huge plus. 

I still plan to share my thoughts, dreams, and goals over here from time to time. In the meantime, if you'd like to visit subscribe channel greenatlmom, stop by and say hi and if you really enjoy it, subscribe.



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hello, Everyone!

Wow, it's been sometime since I've been over here. So much of my time has been spent in the garden and on my YouTube channel building the community over there. I'm also helping to build my daughter's Facebook business page, which is so hard to breakthrough, but I'm here for it. Growing a business requires a lot of time and energy where many days a little money is made, and a few days, no money comes your way, but you keep going because you know there are many extremely good days than, not.

I have so much more exciting things to share with you guys, but they'll have to wait until another time, I'm gonna head outside to get some footage for my YouTube channel.  I just wanted to leave my mark since nothing has been said on this page recently. Thanks for stopping by and supporting me!

Monday, April 29, 2024


I cleared some weeds, well lots of weeds, planted some tomato starts, as well as planted cucumber, sunflower and eggplant seeds. Eggplants will come really late in the garden this year because the ones I started in the house didn't make it through their time indoors. They were looking so good, too, but I did have a few times where I forgot to give them their second watering. The eggplants were planted in a cardboard egg carton and plants dry out very quickly in that type of environment, and then add on the fact that Spring weather has home temperatures fluctuating so much, along with a plant parent becoming busy with other things, a loss was bound to happen. This year I loss 18 black beauty eggplants, now I'm hoping I can at least get two plants for the season.