Been busy with life, gardening and self care. Missing time on this blog hurt me at first since I wanted to keep the blog and YouTube channel updated consistently, but something had to give--and the blog lost.
The blog lost because I've never truly built an active community here, and even though blogging is super fun, I found YouTube amazing. I no longer spent hours or days in the garden only to wait a day or two to write a post about the greens I'm planting, weather difficulties or the simple joy of playing in the dirt, now I can take you guys with me and we can go on walks together, pull weeds together, plant and harvest all on lives or just watching my shorts or videos.
You're probably wondering why all the hype for something that's been around over a decade--well, I've been a user pretty much since YouTube's inception, but becoming a content creator is much newer to me.
I love creating these badly filmed videos, for others and seeing my growth along the way. Sharing my passion for organic gardening and growing food, along with finding an active community is a huge plus.
I still plan to share my thoughts, dreams, and goals over here from time to time. In the meantime, if you'd like to visit subscribe channel
greenatlmom, stop by and say hi and if you really enjoy it, subscribe.