Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Note to Self: Garlic

September is almost over and I still haven't purchased any garlic to be planted for next season's harvest. Time is still on my side, but I still need to get moving, so I won't be rushing trying to plant at the last minute or not even have anything planted for next year. That's what happened last year, I got sidetracked and forgot about picking up any garlic bulbs. 

I know you're probably rolling your eyes like, what's the big deal, it's still September and you live in zone 7, you have until November, so there's no worry, and you're right, but I just have so much on my mind right now---I felt like if I just came to write this down, I'll have a better time of remembering and getting the job done the week before Halloween. 

Garden On,

Shelly :)

Saturday, September 10, 2022

An Anniversary

Yesterday was my 1st Anniversary as a podcaster over at Anchor. Come over and check me out sometime. My channel name is A Green Haven.

Peace and Love,


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Welcome to September

Boy, I can't believe we're here already, but I welcome September, happily.  August brought forth less time in the garden for me this year and more time in my house trying to pair down.....stuff. 

August was a mindshifting month and hopefully in September I'll accomplish all or most of my purging desires.

Happy September, y'all😊