I decided to take a little break from, 'The Quote of the Week' , however, I'll be back to it in no time.

Yesterday I took a few pictures of some of the things growing in the garden. Please excuse all the weeds, I did some weeding, however, the rain has been abundant in the area the past two weeks. Its been a gardener's dream---some rain and sunshine wrapped up in a day.
So, if you look closely you can see the tomato plants that I started from seed in the garden in early May. I usually start my tomatoes in the house during the late winter months, but this year I ended up losing the plants that I started indoors.

Next up: Okra! All I can say is, they're doing great! They might be a bit too close, I've never grown them this close before, and I'm a bit nervous, however, I'm also very curious, too-- and that's the beauty of gardening!We shall see how this all needs in due time.

So let's end this blog post with the zucchinis. The plants are flourishing and I'm so excited to see a few flowers on one of the plants!
Well, that's my garden update and I can't wait to update everyone on the gardens progress.
See ya, soon and keep growing!
-Shelly 😊
#agreenhaven #tomatoes #zucchinis