Thursday, February 11, 2016

Yay Gardening Season Kickoff

Whenever these little cuties pop up in my yard, this is my signal to start preparing for the gardening season here in Atlanta. This is the time of year, where I pick up my tattered seed catalogs and do one more quick review of what seeds I'll be ordering, and exacting my seed and gardening budget.
January is the start of a New Year, but February is the start of a new gardening year for me. I can't wait to start growing tomato, eggplant, and pepper seedlings once again all throughout the house(sorry to my family),watching them grow on  windowsills, shelves, and in the kitchen.
Can't wait to experience the sights and smells of plant growth in my home once again. Can't wait to see that first seedling emerge from its little cocoon and hopefully take off with tremendous growth, as I also expect to do as well.
Do you have any signals for the gardening season? What are they and how does the new season make you feel?

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