Welcome to my Gardening Journal! Even though this space is primarily for gardening talk, I will sprinkle in other topics, too! So.....come on in and let's get to know each other!
Monday, December 28, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Tasty Tuesday:Cast Iron Skillet
I remember when my husband(fiancé at the time) and I got our first apartment; and we had a hodge podge of cookware.
A lot of the cookware was supposedly nonstick, but I always had the most difficult time cooking with them. Maybe it was me or maybe the cookware was just cheap....who knows what the problem was--but my frustration lead me to research other cookware.
During my research, I stumbled upon an old friend--the cast iron skillet.
Those memories of good home cooking rushed in as I became more informed about the affordability of the skillet and its many uses....I was Sold!!!
Selling points for me:
Can be used on the stove and in the oven.
Can withstand high temperatures.
Its nonstick(if properly cared for, by keeping it clean, and well seasoned) when heated up.
Easy clean up.
Allows food to absorb iron.
Can last generations(If taken care of properly).
Cooks food evenly.
Golden and Crispy fry.
Food memories from childhood.
Well, that's my list of selling points for the cast iron skillet for then and now. If you don't have at least one in your kitchen, you most definitely should invest in one....you won't regret it.
If you already have a cast iron skillet, what were your reasons for buying one or is it a family heirloom? Also, what's your favorite thing to cook in it?
Monday, December 21, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Keep Calm and Keep Blogging
It never seens to fail...once I get into a particular system or flow, my computer starts acting up.
Yesterday, I wanted to finish up and post my usual Tasty Tuesday post, but I lost Internet connection and couldn't finish up my post at all. So, I decided to try and finish things up by way of my phone, and guess what...a lot of what was written,didn't get saved.
I seriously thought about posting anyway, but it really didn't seem right or complete at all.
I'll just wait to post that particular post some other time when my home computers are fixed.
I'll just keep calm and keep blogging.
As long as I can write from my phone, from my blog and blog app then I'm good.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Sharing Is Caring
Happy Holidays!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Mixed Greens
A little harvest of some mixed greens from the garden,mostly mustard greens, but there's a little bit of kale and turnip greens too.
Can't wait to get them cleaned and cooked!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tasty Tuesday: Tortillas
Listen to me, I'm venturing off into something else...let's get back to the subject at hand....tortillas.
I thought they came out pretty well for a first try, and since then my rolling skills have improved significantly.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
Working to Get My Groove Back
Thanks!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Monday, November 9, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
40 Cloves
Getting the garlic gloves ready to plant. I counted 40 cloves of garlic that need to get into the garden soon. I really wanted to have all the garlic in by now, but last week something came up and I didn't make it to the garden last weekend. There's already another group of garlic planted in the garden,but I was hoping to have all of the garlic planted by last week, but it's okay, at least I'll have everything in before Halloween.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Tasty Tuesday
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Veggie Pizza |
Monday, October 12, 2015
Quote of The Week
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." --Unknown
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Tasty Tuesday:A Lost Skill?
I interrupt today's usual Tasty Tuesday's recipe this week to focus on a truly important skill that many people are lacking today. A skill that can cut through our obesity epidemic in America, a skill that will bring more whole foods into our diets, a skill that will help you save money. The skill that I'm talking about is: cooking.
Over the weekend I read this article about a guy that took the SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program)challenge and he wrote an article about his experience and how he made it through the month. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/took-challenge-where-could-only-170000173.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=ma
As I read through his article and related to some of the things he adopted while completing the challenge--like bringing my own food to events or outings. As I became drawn into his story, I found myself nodding my head in agreement with lots of things he wrote about, like: some of the rules of the challenge, food deserts, the high cost of fast food & processed foods, and the cost effectiveness of cooking at home.
I personally thought he gave a wonderfully written perspective of his experience on the challenge.
What I wasn't prepared for were the many comments expressing that the writer of the article was thumbing his nose at the poor. Granted, if you just read the title of the article and looked at the photos in the article, then maybe I could understand those commenters that felt he was condescending, but instead I saw so many comments that just seemed to be filled with excuses.
Many commenters highlighted that many people don't have time to prepare a home cooked meal because they work long hours or work two jobs.
I get that, really, I do. However, if a person can binge watch a TV series, then they have enough time to make and prepare meals for the week. They have enough time to make a big batch of broth, soups, or spaghetti sauce. These things are not hard and can be done on a person's day off or over the weekend.
If you can't cook, then learn. With all of these cooking shows, cooking websites and the many recipe books out in the world, there should be no excuse for not being able to prepare something at home.
If you're a busy parent, I highly recommend that you dedicate some time to preparing meals with your children because it's a wonderful way to spend time together, and it's a skill that they definitely will need in life. As parents our job is to help get our children to the next level....not just buying them toys and expensive crap to make them happy.
I am delighted that our First Lady had a garden put in on the White House lawn because seriously many young Americans don't know where their food comes from, and many more don't realize how to seasonally shop for fruits and vegetables to keep their food cost low. I appreciate Mrs. Obama's effort to spotlight growing your own--another way to cut your grocery bill in half, and you don't need a yard to grow food either. If you have some buckets, milk cartons or any kind of container with drainage, some dirt/compost and sunlight then you can grow your own. If you have an absolute black thumb then support your local farmers market....please...and then go home and cook a great meal.
Anyway back on the subject, I'm delighted that Mrs. Obama has put a spotlight on healthy eating; however, as a nation we seriously
Yes, there are people that live in food deserts that lack affordable healthy options for grocery shopping, and there are transportation issues for some, and as a nation we should be bringing these issues to the forefront. However, I can honestly say, we are a nation filled with a lot of non cooking people, a malnourished nation, an obese nation that has lost or refused to cook for themselves and it really showed through the many commenters of that article. Because of this lost skill we are slowly watching a generation of children and adults become sicker because of the so called convenience factor.
What do you think, is cooking becoming a lost skill and please feel free to comment on the SNAP challenge article.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tasty Tuesday
Monday, September 28, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
A Rainy Saturday
It's a rainy day here in Atlanta and it's time to get my Sorry Slider on.
I love playing this game despite having no wins in the column. Who knows...today might be the day. Wish me luck!
Mushrooms in Front Yard
Thursday, September 24, 2015
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The "healthy" pumpkin plant |
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The break/bend in the healthy plant |
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My attempt to make a splint |
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Tasty Tuesday
Thought I would highlight a salad since it's the last official day of summer.
I don't know about you, but I love all the endless possibilities that come with making a salad.
This salad doesn't have the usual wow factor of some of the salads I usually make,but hey...its still delish!
The key players in this dish are:
Red Leaf Lettuce and Romaine Lettuce
Sauteed Green Beans
Grilled Onions
Baby Carrots
A few slices of Cucumber
1/2 of an Avocado
Your favorite salad dressing
Monday, September 21, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Tasty Tuesday: Hummus and Kale Wrap

Monday, September 14, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Trying to Get Motivated
While I have a rain free moment, I really should get out and at least map out what I want to do for the front yard at least, but my body just won't get up and go. My spirit is calling for some outside time and my mind is just swirling with a boat load of ideas for what to plant in the front yard. This will be the first time I've ever planted anything in the front yard, so yeah I'm really excited about planting in this area.
Still trying to figure out if I want to plant a few greens in the front yard or just plan to put tulips in the front yard. I'm not planning to use all of my front yard up for this task, just a small area close to the house.
The more I'm sitting here thinking about this stuff.....the more motivated I'm getting.
I think I'm ready to head outside, if not plant, harvest or clip things, more so to layout my plans.
Keep Growing!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Tasty Tuesday

Monday, September 7, 2015
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
Mamava Pods
As a mother who breastfeed all five of her children---many moons ago, I was limited to using a bathroom stall to pump my breast milk whenever I was at work. Fortunately, I was able to stay home after the birth of my second child, so issues about where to pump weren't an issue for me anymore.
However, there are still many women who don't have a nice clean private place to pump and Mamava is trying to help change this, and I want us to help bring Mamava pods to places where mothers want and need them.
If you would like to vote you can go to www.seventhgeration.com/mamava-voting. You have until September 2nd to vote in the Seventh Generation poll, and it has already been narrowed down to four locations, however, you can also vote at www.mamava.com/where-do-you-want-your-mamava to keep adding more locations for future placements.
No nursing mother should be limited to breastfeeding/pumping in a bathroom stall. Mothers are trying to give their children the best and we as a public should provide better options to nursing mothers.
P.S. Anyone who votes can enter their email into a drawing for ten packs of diapers. I entered the drawing for the free diapers even though I have no kids in diapers...I'll just give them to someone else who needs them, so don't bypass the drawing.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
The Tale of Two Pumpkin Plants
Last week, I wrote a post about powdery mildew being in my garden, and what remedy I was using to stop the spread of mildew on a few of my plants. I also briefly spoke about how one out of three of my pumpkin plants had powdery mildew on it, and I was really concerned I might lose that plant, but at the same time, I had hope that I might be able to save the plant because this wasn't my first time dealing with powdery mildew.
In last week's post I promised to upload some pictures showing the difference between a healthy pumpkin plant and one that has powdery mildew.
I planted the pumpkin seeds on July 15th and the difference between the two plants is amazing.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tasty Tuesday

Monday, August 24, 2015
Quote of the Week
This quote is absolutely how I feel about stepping out and trying this blogging thing again....so, much has changed with blogging, and sometimes I feel out of my league after reading other people's blogs, but hey, it takes many types of people to make the world go around. I really enjoy sharing pictures from my garden with you and I enjoy sharing things that I like and things that are on my mind. So, yeah, this quote is for all the people who might be feeling inadequate about something, but their heart and soul is telling them to push forward.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
UGH, Powdery Mildew !!!
Oh well, at least it isn't all of my pumpkin plants, you guys all know I'm a newbie to growing pumpkins, and this would have been a really big disappointment, if this was my first time dealing with powdery mildew. Fortunately, I already knew one way to stop the fungus from spreading, and the other day, I learned another way, to stop "the dew" from spreading too.
I'll share the technique I'm using and I'll also share the new technique that I recently learned about, but first....let's find out what powdery mildew is, if you already didn't know.
Powdery mildew is a fungus that rears its nasty effects in very humid places that have experienced lots of rain and then very humid conditions.
Powdery mildew can affect a variety of plants, and if a gardener can't get it under control this fungus can kill your plants, by taking nutrients away from your plants. Some of my cucumber plants were taken out by this fungus, and now one of my pumpkin plants has the fungus.
Lucky for me, this isn't my first time dealing with this fungus, and before the damage gets out of control where you might have to just pull up your plant/s: you can use a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1tablespoon of olive oil or vegetable oil, a gallon of water and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid soap. Stir the mixture very well, put in a spray bottle or whatever kind of container you want to store it in. This mixture is meant to be sprayed on the plants leaves and when you're ready to use....make sure you don't spray plants with the mixture in the heat of the day. Try to use mixture early in the morning because some people have said the combination of the sunlight( heat) and the mixture together at certain times of the day can cause the leaves to burn.
Also, remember to cut off any infected leaves that seem not to be getting any better, and throw those leaves away.....DO NOT COMPOST!!! You don't want to spread the fungus even more into your garden.
Now, the other remedy that I've just learned about for powdery mildew is, believe it or not......Milk.
Yesssss!!!! Regular old milk, like I said, I've never tried it, but a lot of other gardeners say it's The Truth!!! I would like to try this option out for myself, but with five kids and these high milk prices--remember that guy, the rent is to damn high---well, the Milk is too damn high and goes way to fast in our household for me to even think about trying!
I'll keep you posted about my pumpkin plants and I'll post some pictures to show the difference between the plant with the powdery mildew and the other pumpkin plants.
Until next time.....keep growing!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Clemson Spineless Okra
The okra flower is so beautiful. I almost captured a shot of a bumble bee inside the flower, but this is just as beautiful too.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Tasty Tuesday
Oh, quick question. My husband is living/working in Miami right now and he can't seem to find any lemon pepper wings in the city or Mardi Gras Wings at his local Publix. Where can he find lemon pepper wings in Miami and is there a Publix that sells lemon pepper or Mardi Gras wings anywhere in the city?
Well, there you go...baked chicken from Publix....looks tasty. I would like to thank my husband for contributing to Tasty Tuesday's and here's to him finding some lemon pepper wings in Miami!

Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
The Difference A Week Makes

Saturday, August 15, 2015
A Small Basil Harvest
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Tasty Tuesdays: Hoagie Rolls
So, let's get to it!!!
Today's Recipe : Homemade Hoagie Rolls
I got this recipe from saminacooks.com way back in 2011. I've been making loaf bread for over 8 years now, and I usually make Italian bread more often than loaf bread simply because it's not as time consuming, but for all my many years of baking bread, I could never find a really good hoagie roll recipe, until I stumbled upon saminacooks.com. Her recipe produced a really soft hoagie roll that could also stand up to loads of fillings and sauce.
In the pictures below I used my hoagie rolls for sloppy joes.

If you've never made hoagie rolls then, I highly recommend Samina's recipe, and I hope you try your hand at making some real soon.
1 1/4 cup warm water
2 1/2 teaspoon of yeast
2 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil
3 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
3 1/2 teaspoon of sugar
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Then add just enough water to make a soft dough.
Cover dough and allow to rest for at least 1 hour (double its size).
Divide the dough into six pieces.
On a floured surface, roll out one piece into a rectangle.
Roll dough (from the long side) into a log and press the seam closed.
Fold the ends under the log and place roll on a greased baking sheet(you want the rolls to be at least 2 inches a part)
Repeat with remaining 5 pieces of dough.
Allow dough to rise for 1 hour
With a sharp knife, cut 2 or 3 diagonal slashes in each roll and allow dough to rest for 15 minutes (try not to touch the rolls)
Preheat oven to 450 F and make sure you have two racks in the oven. On the lower rack place, place a baking pan.
Set a small pot of water to boil.
When the oven is hot and the water is boiling, place tray or trays inside the oven on top rack. Before closing the door, pour the hot water into baking pans beneath the rolls.
Bake 15-20 minutes or until you smell bread.
Hope you enjoy!!!!
Monday, August 10, 2015
How Ugly, Unloved Food Can Change the World | Dana Cowin | TEDxManhattan
The quality of food is what matters and this TEDx video did a wonderful job talking about food waste, and how not to contribute to being wasteful by expanding our minds and our palates with cooking.
I support the movement, do you? 6a0d3dcf0733346d484e1f613f864511df3a917c2baf2d938b